As part of the University’s commitment to sustainability reporting and data transparency, the Office of Sustainability provides dashboards for several areas of the Sustainability Plan.
Climate Change and Energy
Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions on campus is the first step to achieving the University’s climate goals. The UChicago Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report is updated annually.
View greenhouse gas emissions inventory dashboards.
High Performance Buildings
Electricity, natural gas, chilled water, and steam power the facilities on campus and contribute to more than 70% of University greenhouse gas emissions.
Waste Reduction
Campus landfilled waste, recycling, and diversion rate are regularly monitored.
Food Systems
UChicago Dining has sustainability commitments related to sustainable food procurement, and collaborates with the Office of Sustainability on energy, waste, water, and building awareness and partnerships.
View UChicago Dining dashboard.

Download Data
Download results of the 2012–2022 UChicago Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory.
Download University utility data. Upon download of data file, sort by zip code 60637 for University utility data.