Recycling Directory
Recycling is available on campus and in the City of Chicago.
Single Stream Recycling
Many items can be recycled via the University of Chicago single-stream recycling program including aluminum cans, cardboard, plastic, glass, paper, bottle caps, and more. All receptacles on the University of Chicago campus are single-stream and do not require sorting. Refer to the image below for additional information.
Several types of electronic waste can be recycled on campus via drop-off or pick-up services. Acceptable items include, but are not limited to, appliances, batteries, compact discs, mobile phones, computers, ink and toner cartridges, light bulbs, and VHS tapes. View a complete list of acceptable E-Waste Recycling items.
UChicago Medicine Duchossois Center for Advanced Medicine (DCAM) Pharmacy
5758 S Maryland Avenue, First Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60637
City of Chicago Pharmaceuticals Drop-off Locations
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
UChicago Rheaply
UChicago now has a reuse marketplace where UChicago students and employees can share, donate, and browse supplies and equipment across teams and departments. Example items include unutilized furniture and lab equipment. Access UChicago Rheaply.
Off-Campus Recycling Only
For off-campus recycling and items that cannot be recycled on campus, refer to:
1) UChicago Marketplace
2) Your building property manager
3) The City of Chicago
4) Resale stores
5) Local retailers
6) Local charitable organizations
Also, consider reusing and repurposing materials.