Water Conservation
The University of Chicago energy management information system (EMIS), implemented in 2019, supports the process of self-assessment and continuous improvement in energy and water management. The EMIS is a system of record that stores University utility data for campus buildings.
The campus energy and water data dashboard displays energy and water data from the 9.1 million square feet of buildings operated and maintained by UChicago Facilities Services staff.
- The residence hall energy and water data dashboard displays energy and water use in residence halls in aggregate and by building. Students have the greatest ability to impact campus energy and water use in residence halls and are encouraged to visit this page often and take actions individually and as larger groups to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and water use.
- The laboratory energy and water data dashboard displays energy and water data from laboratory buildings on campus in aggregate and by building. Laboratories make up 10% of the campus area, but they are responsible for 40% of campus greenhouse gas emissions.
- The energy projects summary dashboard displays energy and water data from buildings where significant energy conservation measures were implemented to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
The energy dashboards display two types of graphs.
- The weather normalized energy use intensity (EUI) graph displays monthly energy use by utility (electricity, natural gas, steam, chilled water) and a rolling 12-month EUI over the last five years. A rolling average refers to a period of 12 consecutive months that is regularly updated to include the most recent 12 months of data.

- Monthly use utility trend graphs display monthly energy use by each individual utility (electricity, natural gas, steam, chilled water). This graph allows the user to compare year-over-year trends by each utility.