Botany Pond reopens

Campus jewel reopens after extensive restoration and sustainable upgrades

The University of Chicago Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report (2012-2024)

Read the new campus emissions inventory

Single stream recycling

See what happens to materials that leave campus

Main Quadrangles reopen

Renovation improves sustainability, accessibility

Student Sustainability Pledge

Students can take a personalized pledge

UChicago Rheaply reuse marketplace

An online equipment and supplies reuse marketplace where you can find, share, and donate campus surplus

Pin drop on a map icon in white against green

Sustainability Map

Visit the University of Chicago sustainability map to locate water bottle filling stations, bike racks, shuttle stops, electric vehicle charging stations, LEED buildings, and more.

View the UChicago Sustainability Map.

EFCampus icon


Environmental Frontiers brings together University of Chicago faculty, students, and staff to collaborate on finding innovative ways to build a more sustainable future on campus and beyond.

Learn more about EFCampus.

Recycling Directory icon

Recycling Directory

On campus and in the City of Chicago, you can recycle an array of items—from cardboard to computers. This directory provides resources to help you with all your recycling needs.

View The Recycling Directory.


Read the UChicago Sustainability Plan, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan.

LEED Buildings on campus photo

LEED Buildings on campus

All 135+ buildings on the University of Chicago campus require utilities, resulting in greenhouse gas emissions. To address these impacts, the University implemented significant sustainability requirements into the Facilities Services (FS)2 Standards, ensuring that sustainability is a top priority of all our campus buildings.

Get Involved photo

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with sustainability efforts on campus. Whether you are a graduate or undergraduate student, faculty, or staff member, your actions can make a difference.

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